Dates: July 13-14 or July 14-15 (July 14 will be the “training” day)
Location: Kamas, UT
Each day begins at 9:00 and goes until 8:00 pm
Cost: $59 (Register below)
Retreat for ILV Certified Coaches
This retreat is for Certified Ideal LifeVision Coaches in the mountains of Utah. The purpose is 3-fold. First to build connection between the coaches and to create our own TRIBE where we interact, share ideas, support each other and even build great friendships!
Second, to come and mastermind on various topics of “Living Your Ideal LifeVision”. As certified coaches, we need to Walk the Talk. As we use Ideal LifeVision to improve our own lives through new habits & routines and in achieving our own goals, we then have more confidence in SHARING Ideal LIfeVision with others.
Third, we will discuss various ways of sharing Ideal LifeVision with others. Sharing can mean anything from getting paid coaching clients to using it as a way of giving back to those that need the tool but can’t afford it.
And last but not least, we will be taking time to be in nature. You will opportunities to go hiking, ride a bike or 4-wheeler, and even horseback riding ($$)
Pick your days and register below:
July 13: Arrive by 10:00 am (or before) Day is relaxed and informal with individual hot seat masterminds and time in the Uintahs and nature. (horse backing is optional and costs $85 for 1 hour or $105 for 2 hours)
July 14: Training day: Living Your Ideal LifeVision and Sharing Ideal LifeVision
July 15: (those that arrived on July 13 will leave after breakfast) For those arriving on July 14, today will be your day for individual masterminds & time in nature.